Our customers
Bulk Analysis
Analyze hundreds of documents at once
Our proprietary AI engine returns results for all documents within seconds, saving hours or days of manual work. Files are annotated with query results and can be exported to Excel.
Export Answers to Excel
AI Powered File Analysis
Analyze Long Documents in Seconds
Review AI generated summaries
Ask specific questions
Get answers with sources
Review and modify answers if needed
Export to Excel
Request client documents
Easily create a document request list and pre-define AI queries for the uploaded documents.
Your client sees an easy to use, secure portal, to drag and drop files to fulfill each request.
Review the documents uploaded by your client, along with results of the queries from the AI.
Once you're ready, approve and download the files and AI query results.
Industry leading security
SOC 2 Certified
UpLink security and confidentiality practices and controls have been independently audited by experts.
Data is encrypted in transit and at rest using the most secure algorithms available.
Zero Data Retention
None of the data you upload is ever used to train AI models and your data is never retained if you delete it.
We've got your back
UpLink is extremely easy to use, but if you need support, we're here. All customers have access to email support. Enterprise customers have email & phone support with a 4 hour guaranteed response time.
Simple pricing
Per firm user or usage-based plans to fit your company, all with unlimited client users.